This course has 84 hours of active learning exercises to help you embed your design skills. If you want to receive a Certification of Completion you need to complete the whole program. You can expect around 16 hours per dimension to read and watch the course content, attend live sessions and complete action learning. In addition we recommend 1.5 hours for pre course material and getting to know the learning platform, and 3 hours to prepare your final project presentation.
We have two live sessions per dimension, please refer to your course schedule for dates. Whilst we highly recommend you attend and participate, all live sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch for the duration of your access.
To qualify for the certificate, we ask you to attend at least 80% of live sessions for the whole course, and deliver 100% of action learning exercises and a final project presentation.
There is a wealth of information in REGEN-Nations, and we know some people might want to focus more on particular topics. To support this we have suggested reflections in each topic to help you dive deeper into that topic. These are optional for you to deepen your learning and not included in the time estimate.